Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Wintery Goodness

The weather seems to be warming across the country, making it a perfect time to enjoy winter's many beauties. Quick, before the cold returns.

We celebrated our 10 year anniversary (of the first date) by going out for sushi (mmm Niko Niko's), followed by ice skating (which I love), and topped off with hot chocolate and brownie cheesecake (delightful treats from Matter of Taste). All without me having to carry a baby. It was a good evening :)

What else have we been up to? Taking down Yule decorations. Sled rides for Abi. Geocaching for Robin. Knitting for me.
Abi loves ducks, so I knit this up overnight at her request. We honestly went online and chose a pattern together. This is the most rubber-duck-ish one we found.

I have also made this swatch
The full project will be a wedding shawl for my sister this summer. I'm going to send this sampler to her. She told me her wedding colour is that of purple shamrocks, which we both have. I took a leaf to the yarn shop, not actually expecting to find what I needed. I assumed I'd have to get something custom-dyed to match. Even the shop owner was hesitant - knowing how difficult it can be to colour match. Lo and behold, there in the Berroco fingering weight alpaca-blend yarns was a colour that perfectly matched my leaf, it is even heathered with the darker shade in the leaf.

I've got my own shawl on the needles - my first shawl for me.
(It's further along than this now.)

Abi's been trying to help with my other major project. This is my crochet-while-nursing project:
"I want to knit!" she tells me often.

And I sewed together this cutie as a last-minute gift last weekend. I had crocheted all the pieces a year ago.

When do I find time to knit? Have you met my computer? Well, while it loads or saves or searches - I knit. It may only be a few stitches, but it adds up quickly with my computer. It also keeps me from throwing my computer in frustration...
When Abi's nursing, I knit. When Robin's driving us somewhere, I knit. Taking a little time to relax with Robin and watch our favourite TV shows? Yep, I knit.

No time wasted here!

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