Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


I forget how little paper and disposable products we use until a visitor is looking for a tissue to blow their nose and I find myself apologizing because we only have cloth tissues, which of course they are invited to use.
Why do I apologize? I suppose because I know it is "weird" to some people. Time and again I am pleased with the response when guests do use our tissues - they love how soft they are on the nose. I could never go back to horrid paper tissues, and not just because it is wasteful. Using cloth is "normal" for me, at least since I instituted it at home. I certainly did not grow up this way. It was a conscious decision I made many years ago, but now it is second nature. Cloth hankies can be found in holders throughout the house (just like tissue boxes would be) and there are laundry baskets on each floor for them.
The main floor basket is also used for dish cloths because I wash mine frequently. I can't stand how icky they get, especially when someone leaves them sitting in the bottom of the sink instead of hanging to dry. I also use a Magic Blue microfibre sweeper/mop with several replacement pads that I wash frequently. With the laminate floors, 3 pets, and a baby playing on the floor, I sweep at least once a day and fill that mop!
Cloth diapers, rag cloths for cleaning, microfibre for dusting and glass, hemp cloth tea bags and coffee filter - it's all reusable and anything that gets "icky" is washed in hot water.
Yes, even cloth mama pads (along with a menstrual cup). All those chemicals and the plastic of the disposable pads gross me out.
However, we do use recycled paper TP and we keep some cheap paper towels on hand for soaking up bacon grease and the like. One day I'd like to switch to cloth TP, but I promise to keep paper around for guests.

In other news, check the videos on the left and you'll find one of Abi saying Mama and Dada.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that video of Abi. :D
You are the most conscientious person I know when it comes to reusable items. You've certainly inspired us to rid ourselves of some of the more disposable options. I don't know if I could do the cloth TP, though. :)

Too Big for My Skin

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