Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Diapers and Shortbread

Diapers and shortbread describes the best parts of my day today.

It all began when I had to tidy the spare room / baby room / storage room because my cousin will be needing it on Friday. I had to stow away all the baby stuff strewn everywhere. Not that I have anywhere to store it... I have tucked it all away inside the co-sleeper - that is, inside the playpen that is the base of the sleeper. It's like having a hollow crib, which is very convenient right now. Thinking about it... it will likely continue to be used as storage for items not in use until we're done using the co-sleeper as a crib. Storage space is seriously lacking in this house.

In the process of stowing away baby stuff I was reminded of some things I have for baby and those things that I definitely need - such as diapers. There are so many cloth diaper options! It's been a while since I focused on baby stuff, so I decided to return to learning more about my options. It was exciting and daunting. I think I'll try a little bit of everything to see what I like best :) I updated some items on the Gift Registry and added a new baby registry at Parenting by Nature.com I am impressed by their selection, and PbN is one of few Canadian online stores I could find with the type of items I am interested in (besides Grace's Forever Family shop). [links on the left]

Of course, I didn't spend my entire day with diapers! No, I did work as well, but who needs to hear about that? You'd much rather know that I baked shortbread cookies and macaroons. yummy. Robin was certainly pleased to come home to baking this evening. I'd even picked up egg nog to drink with it. Tomorrow's plans include Chocolate Truffle Cheesecake and something to use up the sweetened condensed milk. (Maybe I should hold off on the cheesecake and make it Friday to bring to Kincardine on Saturday... I'm sure my cousins would agree)

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