Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Xmas come and gone

As with so many months this year, December flew by.  The holidays tend to do that. It probably doesn't help that folks are more likely to be sick. For example, I think everyone's had a cold around here and then Lucy had to pick up chicken pox on top of it all.  Claire has developed her first couple of spots now - in time for New Year's Eve.

December has mostly been fun - how could it not be with 3 kids and Christmas?

Happy New Year

now, what happened to 2012? it was a wee bit busy/crazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you considered sharing your chicken pox? There are groups on FB of people desperate to get it for their children. I actually found your site looking for it, but now that I'm here, I feel absolutely CRAZY for thinking I could ask.

If you type in 'chicken pox party' at FB, you'll find the link, and there are a lot of moms who would be SO grateful if you were to allow them to expose their children.

Too Big for My Skin

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