Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Friday, January 25, 2013

more pox and other exciting updates

Just when we thought we were done with the chicken pox, Claire broke out. Again. This time she must have caught them from Abi and she caught them good!  She has them worse than Abi did.  Head to toe and every place between including in the ears, all around the mouth/lips, face, torso, and especially the diaper area.

day 1 of obvious break out.

She seems to be done developing new pox and we're waiting on the healing of the scabs.

In Lucy news, she's quickly moved on from crawling to climbing.

In family news - Robin has finally secured a new job and starts Monday.  He's working in the same field as a call center supervisor at a new facility for in-bound customer service calls.  It is perfectly timed as his parental leave runs out that same day I think.  Just got off the phone with credit union and sounds like we're good to set up a mortgage asap. That means I can actually start looking at houses on the market. Oh, and did I mention I was offered a class to teach at my alma mater and in my area of specialization?  Life stuff is finally coming together and moving forward.  I love my parents, but I'm sure we'll all be happier to have our separate spaces again and I need a place I can easily baby proof.

ETA: short video of Lucy in motion

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad the pox are gone! I can't believe Abi is size 5T, Claire and Lucy are almost 9 months and Lucy has perfected her crawling so fast! Thank the Gods for how healthy they all are! Love, Nyx

Too Big for My Skin

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