Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Saturday, January 05, 2013

For Mrs. Hooper

We have yet to capture Lucy's usual antics on video - because once the camera comes out she is instantly distracted.
Lucy is so very close to crawling. Forward. She's got the rolling-across-the-room down and the rocking-as-if-I-will-forward-on-my-knees mastered. Alas, however, her attempts to crawl forward leave her frustrated as she moves further away (backwards) from her goal.  So close, so very close.

Claire, on the other hand, is content to sit on the floor (Lucy prefers to topple sideways and roll away) and play or bounce in the exersaucer.

I'm terribly overdue to share photos, and I don't think any recent ones are terribly good, but I'll post these two anyhow and continue to try my darndest to get a good video to share soon.
Hey, at least we have a new camera that takes great HD videos.  We're still working on some computer issues as we'd like to reinstall the OS, if computer will let us.



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