Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Thursday, December 02, 2010

greater independence

Really, does she even need me anymore?  For the last month or more, when Abi is using a public toilet, she goes all by herself.  After I inspect the stall, she enters, closes and locks the door on me, and proceeds to do her business, get everything back on, and come out to wash her hands.  If the restroom provided stools to reach the sink she wouldn't need me at all.  I just function as a stool to reach things.
I mean, sheesh, what's left for me to do for her?

Oh, well there's still the love.  Lots of love. Kids like that stuff. Most of the time. Sometimes we are informed that she doesn't need a hug and a kiss.

And she's not quite ready to prepare her own meals or reach the cookies - except when we foolishly leave the homemade cookies in a large container on the table. Then when we're not looking she helps herself to 2 or 4.

But, really, if this is 2 years, what on earth am I going to do at 3 years?!  Ooooh, I know: Have another baby! That's right kiddo - if you want to be all independent and stuff, then I'll just make me another dependent child.
(To be clear I am not pregnant and we are not TTC.  Ericka you don't have to comment -- I know what you'll say.)

I'm half-joking. I love her independence. It's delightful.  But there are moments (many) when I look and know she's most definitely growing very fast and I miss some of the dependent days when we could snuggle all day.  And then there's my friends with older children lamenting that the kids are off to school/university etc and I can't help but think it all comes so quickly.  Even though she is "still just two".  But she'll be three on her birthday.  (She reminds us all. the. time.)

Speaking of independence - as in that day I'll be FREE of grad school - 3 chapters done. (Well, okay, I'm tidying up the third today, but I have a fourth half-done, so it balances out).

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