Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

resisting the nap - a conversation in pieces

Abi: Mom, can I have yogurt after my nap?
Mom: yes you may
Abi playing and jumping on bed rather than settling for a nap and letting me brush her teeth
Mom (going for the positive statements approach): Do you want yogurt after your nap?
Abi (resisting the positive statements approach): no, no, no. You have to say 'Do you want NO yogurt after my nap.' Then I say 'Yes I DO want yogurt'
Mom (not falling for her attempts to create conflict): I'm asking if you DO want yogurt after your nap
Abi: No (jumping still).
Mom (trapped): Okay, so you don't want yogurt after your nap.
Abi: Yes I DO!
(I lost)

Abi: I have a great idea! How about I wear a costume!
Mom: Okay, you can dress up in your costumes after your nap.
Abi: No, I have a pretend costume on! (how silly of mommy not to have noticed)
Mom: Oh, okay. Is it a sleepy Abi costume?
Abi: No, it's a WAKE UP TIME costume! (jumping on bed)
Mom: Well how about I put your sleepy-Abi costume on. (Waving hands around her) Let me put it on all sides. Turn so I get your back (she does). Okay, now you have your sleepy-Abi costume  on.
Abi: Noooo, (jumping). I have a great idea! How about I wear my wake up and jump costume.

Costume changes are quick and easy when they are pretend costumes.

In the end I succeeded in brushing her teeth and having her lie down. She's playing with toys in bed. I hear the toys are jumping. She's also reading them stories.

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