Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Big girl

Lately I've been a little teary-eyed about my baby being a big girl.  There's just certain things she can do now that make me realize she is far from being a baby, such as doing up her own buttons and getting dressed on her own.  At the park, she's become skilled at climbing ladder-like bars - things that she was too small for before.  Even the kind that go at funny angles and cause me to fret a little - and make sure someone is right there in case she slips - even though she won't.  I never used to worry about stairs or going down a slide, etc, but those metal ladders freak me out.
Today we were at the park and she climbed one of those ladders - started while I happened to not be looking! She also showed me how she can ride the big girl swings.
See, video proof: It's a little long, but you only need to watch the first part.  The rest I included for Nana because I find Abi's play telephone calls hilarious.  You'd think she's ignoring me when she pushes the swing, but really she's just listening to the phone call. That's who she responds to after. And phone in the pocket - that would be what J her daycare provider does.  We don't have cell phones.

And at home, check out the hilarious new costume/toy she got from a friend:

She's a wee bit small for it, but that's not going to stop her!

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