Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Monsters will get me!

Abi's new favourite game is to hide from monsters.  Typically these are "Darla-monsters" (poor Darla, cast as the villain) or "spider-monsters" (referring to the styrofoam ball spider she made last year at daycare and was still playing with until a couple days ago when she started taking chunks out of it and I had to toss it while she wasn't looking). Oh, and the spider reference might also be to the large black spider I trapped (a second one) the other day on my ceiling while Abi was getting dressed.
In short, it's not that she is actually afraid of real monsters. I'm certain if you asked her "where is the monster" and Darla wasn't around to point too (poor Darla), she'd tell you it's pretend.
Like the pretend sticker she asked me to remove from her finger the other day.
And the pretend tea she drinks (in addition to real tea).
And the pretend WAKE UP TIME costume she put on at nap time...

There is much pretending.
The stairs are her usual haven from monsters. "Quick mom, come-on, before the monsters get you!"
The stairs double as a bus to Winnipeg (with daily trips).
They also serve her as a very real "slide" for getting downstairs. Bump-bump-bump - she zips right down now before we can even take a breath to say we'd rather her not slide down the stairs. Let's be honest, we both did the same as kids so I have no hope that we'll stop her from sliding.  Let's not tell her about sitting on other things while sliding...

This evening I introduced (I'd read it a long while ago, but I'm certain she wasn't interested then / wouldn't remember) one of my favourite books: The Monster at the End of This Book - starring Grover.  I had to read it several times.  I foresee many more readings. I'll need to work on my Grover voice.

As for monsters from whom we must save Abi, we've made it clear that Robin and I are strong and can take 'em out! Plus I remind her that she is strong too.  I tell her to laugh at how silly they look - because monsters hate that!  We generally try to reinforce not being scared of monsters. But right now, it's a fun game for her. Playing scared. Running away and hiding (whether from monsters or us - especially when we are "not her friends").

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