Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Friday, August 06, 2010

Mexico. Again.

Official word has finally reached Robin. (After everyone in Mexico already knew.) He'll be heading out to Mexico at the end of the month for another 3 weeks.
While I don't particularly want to go to Mexico myself, I'm not looking forward to another 3 weeks of single parenting.
First of all, I despise having to cook.
Actually, that's probably the worst part of it. The rest is pretty much the normal routine - Abi wakes, Abi wants to play with mommy, Abi may or may not be driven to daycare by Mommy and then picked up by Mommy, [Abi and mommy play and wait for daddy to come home to make dinner], Abi plays more with mommy, mommy puts Abi to bed (except when mommy says "I'm outta here! There are ladies who are waiting to knit with me and eat Gelato" once a week or less). So, really, only the part in square parentheses will change to: Mommy makes dinner with hungry child fussing. Oh, and the "I'm outta here" part will not be possible either. Last time Robin was away I tried bringing Abi to knit night, but as soon as she finished her gelato - right when I could start knitting - she really wanted to leave. She was cranky/tired.

OTOH, Robin is very excited to return to Mexico for another semi-holiday. Oh, sure, he works during the days, but he parties most evenings and most importantly he doesn't have to clean house, cook for family, do family stuff. He can relax by the pool with a drink or a book.
Yay for him.
Can you hear my enthusiasm? :P
Okay, so he deserves time away. And it may be his only opportunity (again) for a long time. But that doesn't mean I have to be happy about getting stuck with all the household family stuff for another 3 weeks. I need my little one-evening breaks to stay sane and thus take care of everything.

Clearly I will be deserving of an extended weekend away! HELLABITCH me please!

Whining done. For now/this moment.

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