Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Thursday, August 26, 2010

a few more days

I think this time it will be harder on Abi when Robin leaves. She knows it is coming. And she knows, from last time, what it is like to have daddy away. When he returns home from work, she says she missed him. (She never says this to me when I pick her up from daycare! hrumph) She runs to him for a hug and kiss (I don't get those.) When he leaves in the morning for work she has to give him a hug and a kiss and say goodbye. (More recently she does this for me when I drop her at daycare. It's become a little goodbye ritual of hers - and not one we started.)

Abi and I will have a lot of fun while daddy's away! Yes we will! Let's see, we're going to visit Emily the day he departs and I'm hoping we can ride the carousel together. This time on horses! I'll be quite disappointed if she refuses again (last time she wanted to sit on the side with great-grandma while I demonstrated how fun it is. Then she rode with me on the bench-chariot) because she recently rode on a carousel horse with the kids at daycare (in Guelph). In addition to being motivated to ride with her friends (with J holding her), I think she was motivated by an earlier promise this summer to ride a real pony only after she's ridden a carousel horse. Hey, I'm not going to pay $10 (or some other ridiculous price) for a pony ride if she's going to complain she wants down! :P

What else will we do? Hmmm.... besides the usual crafts and park stuff... Well, there's the KW Knitter's Fair on the 11th! Okay, *I* will have fun! There is a supervised area for children at the event (brilliant planners!) that I will take advantage of if she doesn't want to fondle yarn with me (or if she wants to fondle it too much - can that happen? Too much yarn-fondling??! nah)
I'll be going with a specific list for Yule gifts. And then there's the "other" list... the generic "you can never have too much sock yarn" list and the "incredible deals on beautiful lace yarn should never be passed up" list. Last year I scored big at a 50% off bin with fantastic finds. Have I knit any of it yet?... good question... YES. Some went into Sophie the doll. Some became a pair of socks for my sister. The 200g (1608m) of sapphire blue lace (for only $24) needs knitting... but that's a big project! Anyhow, it doesn't matter that I already have a large bin full of beautiful yarn. That's really not the point. Why are we even discussing this? Are you trying to induce yarn-stash-guilt? It won't work...

As I was saying, Abi and I will have a lot of fun while daddy is away. Yes we will. I think we will even get to stand in line at Future Shop to pick up his new video game. Won't that be fun?

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