Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

"I want to go to Winnipeg"

As I anticipated, Abi eagerly asks to go visit Pa-Pere and Grandpa (she's saying these names now rather than calling both PaPa), Nana, DoDo (the last person to still have a shortened name), Veronica, Corey, and everyone else we visited with in Winnipeg. I'm amazed that she still likes car rides too.
Today she went back to daycare and was very excited to see her friends and J. She had a new toy monster I was required (by Abi) to whip up yesterday while we played Tea Party. She glued the mouth on herself and of course had to show it to everyone.

There was something sweet she said yesterday...
oh yes, she started listing people who love her. Apparently our friend H loves her - maybe because she lent us the portable DVD player. When pressed with "who else loves you?", Abi started listing others such as Corey, Veronica, Pa-Pere, Grandpa, Nana (see above), etc who love her. Oh, and of course daddy and I. Yes, she is well loved.

This morning she was also talking about people at the grocery store. "That's a person." Yep. "I'm a person" she adds. Yes you are. "You are a person, mommy." Yes. "I'm a person. You're a person. Both the same!" she exclaimed. It's true. :) I like that we are all people and the same.

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