Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Friday, May 15, 2009

Anticipating New Neighbours

I just learned (although I recently suspected) that my neighbour has passed away. She had been sick for a long while. She was a wonderful lady, and although I did not know her well, she was a nice neighbour to have. Nice and quiet.
Experience has taught me to be a little nervous when it comes to new neighbours. You never know what you will get and this neighbour will share a wall with use and our back decks blend together with a gate between. I imagine once upon a time the people on both sides of this house were close friends. Why else would they have put a gate in the wall between the decks?
I hope for the best. You never know - they could be wonderful neighbours and we might even want to use the gate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed for you! Nothing worse than neighbours that are noisy! I'm willing to bet you end up with wonderful neighbours, though. :D
Great things are drawn to you!

Too Big for My Skin

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