Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Sunday, January 18, 2009

One. Two.

Two teeth. ah ha ha ha ha ha.
So says the Count.
Abigail has cut two teeth (Jan 8 and Jan 16). First a bottom and then a top tooth.
So far she has not bitten me. That is the best news of all.
Sorry, still no pictures to share of these new teeth. They have only just cut through so they are a mere line across her gums. There are more ready to cut through any day. By the time I am able to get a photo I suspect there will be quite a mouthful to show off.
In celebration, I am baking cookies. (That is a retrospective justification I came up with right now.) First I made an apple cake last night. Today I am baking soft ginger cookies as well as oatmeal, chocolate chip, sunflower and flax seed cookies. I am even going to be smart and put many away in the freezer so I don't eat them all tonight/tomorrow. Oh yes I would.

It has been a busy couple of weeks around here, particularly the evenings. Between Robin and Abi's swim class, my teaching, and interviews across southern Ontario, it has been a series of long nights. In between there have been some late-night social events too, such as dinner with Katie and Jay last night. Rib-licious. You see, when I bake a cake I like to invite friends over to share it. This is in part because it is an excellent reason to gather with friends. Additionally, it keeps me from eating the entire cake myself (see above).

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