Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Friday, January 23, 2009

Grinding and Frogging

Baby teeth are the hot issue in this household right now. I have photos! What's more, I have video to share. You too may now share in the "joy" that is listening to Abigail grind her two teeth together. *shuddering* I think there is a third tooth that may have just cut through, but I have not had a chance to check more closely. It is hard to tell when so many are at the brink of cutting through (or so it looks like).

tooth and smile

Tooth 1
This was Abigail's first tooth to come in.

Tooth 2 (and 3 to the right of it?)
Here is the second tooth and to the right of it I think we can see a third tooth. If so, then I will date it coming through today (when I took the picture). Teeth are cutting through 7-8 days apart.

In other unrelated knit news, this morning I had to frog back to the second repeat of my new fingerless mitts. I was desperate for some relaxation this morning, picked up my current favourite project (at last, something for me) and noticed the mistake down near the bottom. Instead of knitting ahead I had to frog and fix it. It was the opposite of what I wanted to be doing, but I'd rather not regret carrying on later.
My Knit Mitt
Can you see my mistake? See how the pattern shifts to the left after the second repeat? I wish I had picked up on this earlier.

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