Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Monkey Silliness

As I dropped the basket once again over Monkey, I realized I have to share this funny thing with y'all.

Monkey is a strange bird. She never ceases to amaze us with her silliness. It started with a bag... you know, the old stuff a cat in a bag, swing it lightly, and watch the cat wobble. That was Jenny's favourite game! She'd dive right back into the bag when you opened it! Monkey is the same way - always looking for a new ride. So I put her in the laundry basket one day while I was running up and down the stairs doing laundry (as one is likely to do on laundry day, which was today coincidentally). She loved the ride and didn't want to jump out immediately or when we got to the destination. I eventually just started dumping laundry around her to carry.

Soonafter Robin discovered that Monkey LOVES to be trapped UNDER the basket. Yes, all I have to do is flip the basket and lift up a corner and she dashes under. She then proceeds to either play with a toy I provide outside the basket or figure out to get out. I suspect the game is beginning to get old for her (or maybe not) since she is very skilled at getting out. Sometimes she is very clever and moves the basket so it hangs over the stairs. Sometimes she uses Darla's bed as a slop to lift it. And the rest, I guess she just wedges her paws underneath and lifts.

Today, as I was putting away dishes she did her usual attempt to hide in the pantry. I removed her, but as I was getting up to reach the door handle she darted back in half-way, stopped, turned to look up at me... and was removed again. But the cheeky brat did it on purpose and then looked at me! lol

Life with Monkey is never dull. Heck, life with Gryphon and Darla was never dull either. How much more excitement can I take???

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