Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Tensions are rising!

There are only a few short days remaining until I write my FINAL comprehensive exam. This is my field exam, which means it's focused on my field of specialization. I like to think of these as my 'teachables' in B.Ed talk: New religious movements, religion and contemporary culture, religion and popular culture (and by implication, sociology of religion). My research focus on contemporary Paganisms falls into all of these fields.

Just as I delve whole bodily into this last week of intensive preparations what should arrive on my doorstep (while I was out) but a solid wood desk.
The next couple hours were dedicated to moving all my books,article,paper,notes, and such to one side of the office so I could get the desk indoors. And since there was no point in trying to work in a half-organized room I of course also had to rearrange enough things to reaccess my books etc.

What you can't see is that the bottom is where the sitting chair is and the cupboard - both covered in stuff.

In other news, I celebrated my 26th birthday earlier this month. And 10 days later I celebrated it with a surprise party. The cake even says "Happy Birthday Mandyz". (The zed is silent) And you can never go wrong with party hats.

Surprise parties rock! This was my first ever. Many thanks to my friends. Robin can't believe I didn't know it was coming. In retrospect there were 'signs', but you'd have to be expecting 'something' to catch them. I was too focused on studying to wonder.

Okay, that was a snippet to show off the cute picture of Darla and my new comfy office. So much more table space (to pile books on... but hey, that's better than the floor!)

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