Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Foolish Blessings

Once again I am a day late.
Guess why. Yep, I was busy.
It was a day full of foolishness. Unfortunately, not with my former Fools friends, but those who gathered at the local Pagan Temple to celebrate were certainly very fool-ish last evening. We planned an entirely absurd ritual in celebration. It was fabulous! I have never had so much fun planning, executing, and participating in ritual.

I'm still chuckling to myself over flashbacks.

What I am not chuckling about is the churning mass of sugar in my tummy this morning. I could have sworn yesterday was St. Patty's by my seeming 'hangover' today! Our cakes and ale was pop rocks with cola... and it was all candy from there - washed down with cream soda. This morning I couldn't even look at the vegan chocolate upsidedown cake I made. Which is just as well because otherwise I would have polished it off, and no tummy needs that!

In other news,
Robin got shafted again on the most recent shift bid. Last time he got stuck with 10:30-6:30pm and Tues/Wed off. He liked the days off because that's when his 'footy-ball' is played on TV. But dinner was late every night. Especially since he had to get home and then make it ;-)
His new shift doesn't start until 1pm and goes until 9pm! So we'll be switching to a big lunch and small dinner meals. It's healthier too. This takes effect on my birthday (April 10). The positive spin is that this frees his mornings to look for a new job - which he's wanted to do. And crappy shifts is excellent incentive.

Family updates:
seedlings are growing tall. I'm not sure how I'm going to keep them indoors until mid May! The tomatoes have outgrown their containers. Now they're in the open and I have to find a way of keeping Gryphon from chewing them.
Darla and I have been enjoying many sunny days on the back porch. Me reading in the sun (preparing for my field exam) and Darla switching between naps in the shade and watching all the wildlife run about. We are lucky that she is very well behaved and a "velcro" dog since we don't have a fence. She's not at all interested in running away or leaving what she knows is her yard. She knows the invisible line between our yard and that of our neighbours.
Jenny and Gryphon are also enjoying the outdoors with us. Gryphon thinks he should have his own door so he can go in and out as he pleases. I keep telling him he has to choose - in or out - but he's a cat so he doesn't listen to anything I say.

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