Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Greetings from Winnipeg

We're having fun here in the rain and mosquitos (who are as thick as the rain). (I'm actually missing the blazing heat I left behind, just a little.)
We attended a wonderful wedding on Saturday. Everything was perfect and beautiful - the sun was out, a slight breeze kept us from overheating, and the bride was radiant in her dress accented with orange. I can't speak highly enough of the event. Our blessings once again to the newlyweds (who should be heading out on their honeymoon cruise right about now - lucky them).

Have been visiting with family and friends and enjoying our time here. But I've also been squeezing in work. All play and no work would be boring, right? (Humour me here!)
I miss Jenny and Gryphon, who are in good hands at Monica's home. I hope I get them back!! ;) They were quite happy when we left them - after fighting the journey across the townhouse village. Robin has the scars to prove it. I don't suppose they'll be very happy when we transort them to the new house either and they'll be much less happy to stay there at first. Merlin, my black cat here in Winnipeg, is "talking" as usual and reminding me of Gryphon. I look forward to being back home.

There's one more new piece of information to share, but I'd rather show you. So I'll wait until I get home and upload photos.

Speaking of home, we have taken possession of our new home. So we're living out of two right now. We'll be sending notification to everyone of our new address and phone number once we've settled. We can be reached at the townhouse until the end of July, and that's where our phone service is until we can get a tech to come in to the new place (they're on strike, so the wait is long). We'll be cleaning and painting before we continue moving, although we've already transfered a couple van-loads of boxes.

Mandy Moon

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