Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Greetings from Kitchener

We are back in KW and mostly residing in our new Kitchener house as I paint etc. We are constantly bringing more loads of stuff over, but can't bring most of the big item until the rooms are painted (and we borrow a truck).
I don't have the camera here with me, but I'll post photos from our trip soon.
We do not have phone service yet at the new house because Bell's technicians are on strike. I called over 2 weeks ago and still haven't heard from one, but I checked with Bell and we are on the priority list - lol - whatever that means. In the meantime, we do have our internet hooked up (good thing we didn't decide to use DSL) and can be reached through my messengers (both Yahoo and MSN). Our townhouse phone is still connected, and you can leave a message.

It's a beautiful day here. I'm going to take my City Cafe bagel that just finished toasting and sit on my deck :-) (And I don't expect any mosquitos! Ha! I'm glad to be back in KW)

Mandy Moon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No mosquitos... that's a nice thought. We are presently cooking here in Winnipeg with temps over 30 with the humidex over 40. Plus we are eaten by mosquitos. Can't cover up because you'll bake, can't stay uncovered you'll get eaten. It's a vicious cycle! Too bad you're still not here to enjoy it.

Hope things are going well at your new place!

Too Big for My Skin

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