Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Upcoming Events

As you can imagine, we have been very busy since signing our house agreement. But everything is pretty much settled in that area for now. There is still much to keep busy with though! I have 2 research jobs this summer which require many hours of staring at a computer - and just when I thought I was done for the term! (The university doesn't pay me over the summer, so I needed additional income.) I also have an "Advanced Reading course on the Sociology of Religion" this summer, which is great, but inevitable requires a lot of reading. On the plus side, the books that I have to read are all drawn from my comprehensive exams reading list - so I'm really just getting a head start on my reading for next term. I'm hoping this means things will feel a little lighter in the fall. And of course I have to prepare my research and grant proposals and applications. Sigh... it never ends. no, really, never.
Speaking of light - wow, have we ever had a long string of beautiful days! I'm getting a half-decent tan reading outside. Unfortunately, Robin works during most of these sunny days. And we don't have AC in these oven;-like townhouses. (But our new house does!)
Travel Plans:
I just returned from a 3 day trip to London for the Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities. (That's London, Ontario)
There are a three trips upcoming. First, we're going to St. Catharines and Niagara Falls for a couple days to visit family. We'll also be staying in the fabulous casino hotel overlooking the falls for one night!
Second, we'll be flying home to Winnipeg the day after we move into the new house. 10 days of running around trying to see as many people as possible... :)
Third, I'll be flying to Bielefeld, Germany at the end of July for a 2 week workshop on research methods. Unfortunately Robin has to stay home so I can afford to go. :( We'll travel to Europe together one day...

Blessings, Mandy Moon

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