Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Sun isn't all it's cracked up to be!

I know some of you have expressed jealousy over the sun I was enjoying... but trust me, you do NOT want this weather! Inside my house it is over 30. It's over 30 outside too of course, with a humidex of something ridiculous like 39. It's brutal! Everything is hot and sticky in the worst possible way. The UV warning is at 9 - which is "very high" not moderate, not high, VERY HIGH! So I'm not going out for any tan, even though the air moves a little more outside than in. At least inside I have shade. Because of course our new townhouses have absolutely no shade, no grown trees, etc.
We took a couple days break from the heat to visit my grandparents in St. Catharines (they have AC) and cool off by Niagara Falls. We spent a night in the casino hotel on the 27th floor overlooking the Falls. It was an incredible sight! (Hotel was also AC'd of course, and had a pool). Oh how I wish I was back there.

Robin and I will be moving our futon to the new house on June 23 when we get possession, just so that we can sleep that night in our air conditioned home! It's seems forever away, but it's less than 2 weeks now! YAY! And of course as soon as we return from Winnipeg we will move everything to the new house immediately - at least everything we need to live. We can slowly bring the rest of our stuff later as we unpack.
The poor cats suffer the worst; they had to stay here during our Niagara trip and they'll be stuck in a townhouse (with friends here) while we are in Winnipeg. They're trying their hardest now to beat the heat. They don't even want to go outside. They think they do because from the doorway they can feel the air, but once you step outside you enter the sun! I know exactly how thy feel. The outside has tempted me a few times, I figure it MUST be cooler than in here... but alas, it is not. Not until late in the evening.

The pathetic thing is that this is all I have to write about! It's just too hot to do anything. Yesterday we were invited over to Monica's for dinner, and played cards outside in the cooler air as the sun set. (A June bug landed in my hair and got caught in the braid that was keeping my hair off my back! Eww)
Oh how I wish I had a job that required me to sit in air conditioning (like Robin). I even bike into school (into my little brick cell) just for some AC, but the ride itself is almost unbearable and my bike sounds like it will fall out from under me any moment.

So, enjoy whatever cool weather you have!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well... the excrutiating heat almost makes me a little less bitter about all of the rain we have been getting. Then I remember though that lots of rain will bring more mosquitos and I remain a little bitter. I am still jealous you get to see the sun, I think I have forgotten what it looks like. The 39 degrees I could do without. Keep those and send the sun our way!

Looking forward to seeing you both in 2 weeks!


Too Big for My Skin

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