Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Yarn Tasting... shhhh

I spent the afternoon at a "yarn tasting" / "yarn roundtable" event hosted by Knitty and Shall We Knit?
Good times. Good company.
Unfortunately, the first rule of Yarn Club (at these events) is that you can't talk about yarn club*.  So you'll just have to wait for the next (spring) issue of Knitty to be released.
*Clearly this is an exception to the usual rule that we knitters love to talk about yarn and our projects and share plenty of photos.

There is another exception to the usual rule... when you want to get a pattern published by a big-name publisher (magazine or otherwise) you generally don't share details before it's been accepted and published.  The twin shawls I'm working on would be an example of this. I'd love to submit them to Knitty. However, I would have to re-knit them in a warmer yarn for a fall submission (I missed the summer submission date of Jan 1). And yarns that are not discontinued.  The yarn I pulled from my stash fails both of those tests.  I won't mind knitting them again. The current projects are not in my colours... and yes, they happen to be pink and blue but that was ONLY because those were the yarns I had available in my stash with sufficient quantity to play with designing.

Speaking of pink and blue for a twin design.... we get to see the babies again tomorrow and will hopefully learn the sexes.

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