Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Monday, July 20, 2009

George and Festivals

It was feeling a little quiet around here with only one cat, one dog, and one one-year old...
so we are fostering one cat.
And only fostering!
This time we will not fail fostering 101.
No more adoptions until we move (i.e., not soon).
I have a very specific cat type in mind and I'm not telling too many people because I don't want you suggesting cats you know, as well-intentioned as you may be.
Anyhow, the specific expectations *should* keep me from wanting to keep any fosters. That is part of the intention; that and wanting a specific cat. I'll give you a hint: it's not a brown-caramel tabby.

Yesterday we took in George. He is a friendly, baby-tolerant, laid-back cat. Still getting used to relationships with Darla and Fenwick, but I'm hopeful that they will get along well.

Abi is enthralled by the new cat in the house, but fortunately she's not throwing herself on him like she does with Fenwick. She seems to know to keep her distance from strange animals. Recently we visited a friend with a lovely Rotti, but he was a little too big for Abi's liking and she was shy towards that baby-loving dog. I think if we'd visited for another hour longer, though, she was ready to crawl all over him and he would have been in his glory.

Abi and I spent a week camping near Sarnia at the Spirits of the Earth Festival. As expected, we had a fantastic time. It is a wonderful community of people. I loved laying under the stars with her, nursing while she fell asleep, listening to the evening concert; then wrapping her up and dancing around the revel fire.

Setting up camp
Setting up camp - and then we were having too much fun to take any more pictures.

playing in tay's garden
Watering a friend's garden in the new dress grandma sent.

This weekend was the annual local Beer and Ribs festival - Robin's favourite. We visited every day (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). My new favourite beer is Steelback red maple beer. Imagine a honey brown with maple syrup instead..... mmmmmmmmmmm.

It's a fun, busy summer - and there is much more fun and business yet to come!

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