Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Summer Fun in Niagara

The Gaggle arrived Monday for three fun-filled days of craziness. Four little girls 6 and under took over my home! Between the girls, myself and Robin, Ericka and Collin, we had a full house.
Monday we rested in preparation. I think arriving at Aunty Mandy's was excitement enough for the girls for one day!
Tuesday we celebrated Lammas and the first harvests with a trip to the local farmer's market, fun at Victoria Park's water structure (a summer celebration! much needed in the heat), a story-telling circle, and berry crumble (made by Robin and the girls).
Wednesday we drove out to the Niagara region (after a delicious blueberry pancake breakfast).

First stop was the carousel at Port Dalhousie. Still a mere five cents a ride!

On to the Falls themselves where we rode the Maid of the Mist. Unfortunately, my camera is not waterproof, so I don't have any photos from that part of the trip. (Plus I'm sure we looked like drowned rats!) In the summer heat and humidity, getting soaked on the Maid of the Mist was arguably the best part of the day! Well worth $14.

Ericka and I took the eldest three to the Butterfly Conservatory while the guys took the youngest around Clifton Hill waiting for us to return.

It was long, tiring, and very memorable day.
I realize now, looking through the photos, that we didn't take any group picture. Perhaps Ericka has something. I kept thinking I would take one "later" - perhaps when we weren't all hot, sweaty, sticky, and tired. I guess that never happened.

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