Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Monday, October 31, 2005

Samhain rit and crazy neighbours!

Last night the collective met at a local member's home for an open ritual. Many
of us dressed as witches of various sorts. (I was the most colourful amongst a sea of black)
It was a great ritual and included a walk through the nearby cemetary.
Unfortunately for my friend, her neighbour is the local crazy fundamentalist
Christian. And she's not crazy just because she's a fundamentalist or Christian. She refers to my friend as a satan worshipper and makes a lot of trouble for her and is always making trouble in the neighbourhood. Her house and car windows are covered in
text about the rapture and being saved by Jesus. She called the cops on us "satan worshippers" last night. They drove by, looked at the "witches" (really witches dressed as such) and "demons" (not really demons, but the children of witches) on the porch and laughed at the crazy lady and her friends as they continued on their way. I think the cops get a lot of crazy calls from her...
Poor crazy lady, I'm glad I don't live in her world. On her other side is the most wicked halloween house ever (wicked cool for me, wicked damned for her I imagine). That neighbour loved us singing down the street and admiring her decorations. She came out to turn more of the display on for us.
The crazy neighbour has also covered her house in plastic... apparently she gets egged a lot at this time of year because she harrasses all the local kids as well. Our other theory is she's trying to keep the demons out. I think she's creepier than the stereotypical old witch/woman in the haunted house... but then, I like haunted houses and witches.

After the ritual we had great food and shared ghost stories and crone stories, which was a lot of fun. Probably my best halloween/samhain yet. Crazy neighbour included - she just made it more interesting.

Robin's off at work right now bedecked in orange - complete with an orange troll-hair wig he found yesterday!! Crazy crazy. I wish I had my digital camera to take photos! I've taken film pictures, but I can't easily upload those and by the time I get them developed and to a scanner, it's far too late. Oh the joys of digital!! Maybe I'll get Robin to pose for the webcam when he gets home. I can take a photo with that. The quality is crap, but better than nothing.

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