Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Teeth

With much convincing, I managed to get a photo of Abi's teeth today after our last-minute dentist visit.  Someone else's cancellation was our opportunity to get in before February - which was the earliest date we could get in the new year to finish her dental work.
See the teeth on either side of her top center teeth.
I'm trying to find a good "before" picture...

 Don't mind the chocolate... which probably makes it seem like sweets are the problem... but they are not. She brushes regularly and doesn't get much sweets.  She's had the caries since her teeth first came in.  We've been putting off the major drilling and fillings for over a year waiting for her to be old enough and familiar enough with the dentist to undergo the procedure in the office.  Otherwise she would have had to go to the hospital for general anesthesia to fix her teeth. In the meantime the dentist did small touch ups and would clean out the soft spots on the teeth every couple months.
Here's an old picture of her at the dentist getting her laughing-gas.  Oh how she loved squeezing that nose.  Hopefully she'll never have to do that again...

Today's visit went very well. She's always been good in the dentist chair, but was definitely her best ever this time - especially given that she knew what to expect and one might expect she'd be more apprehensive of going through all that again.  I know I was!

All the cavities have been removed (drilled out - and there was a lot) and filled back in so her teeth look better than ever. Yay! Hopefully these will last until they fall out... Her adult teeth won't come in with the same inherent problem.

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