Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Saturday, January 08, 2011


She's stubborn AND creative in her thinking.
She always has an "idea" such as in the following typical exchange:
me "Abi, please do X"
Abi "no wait, no wait. I have an idea! How about I do Y (fun thing) and then I do X.  Is that a good idea?"
me "how about you do X"
Abi "no wait, listen..."
me " please do X"
Abi "...listen, listen. I have an idea..."
and so on.

She's definitely a leader and a mothering type.
(That would be me... right mom? Right sis?)

The recent clincher was when she told me her favourite colours are pink and blue and rainbow.
My family and long-time friends will be chuckling.  I'll explain for the rest of you.
When I was young my room was pink and blue.  They were my favourites. When I finally was able to paint my own room and get new linens, etc, as a young teen, I went with earthy green. I was done with pink and blue!  It's only in the past couple years I've come to re-embrace pink as a lovely colour.
As for rainbow, that has long been my stated favourite "colour" (or as I might say now as a fiber-ista, "colourway") - despite frequently being told it's not a colour. 
(I also used to list silver as my favourite colour. In my teen years I wore a LOT of silver... you should have seen my shoe collection! And the dresses... Not to mention the rings on every finger.)
So when Abi said that I realized - uh oh - she really is ME! 
She repeatedly tells me and everyone those are her favourite colours - not that she ever says anything she doesn't really mean.  I sometimes expect she'll randomly say something but won't be consistent about it. But she always proves me wrong. Like names she has given her toys, or who her best friends are.

(For the record, I have definitely never told her what my favourite colours are and would not have said pink or blue. She's never asked and I've never had a reason to say what mine are.  I also checked if she was mimicking someone else, but she doesn't know what colours her best friends favour. And trust me, if she knew, she'd tell me about it! She doesn't forget any thing. She still picks up her mardi gras necklaces from Spirits of the Earth Festival and tells me about how she got them and where and what we saw. She knows every gift from every person. And she'll correct me if I get it wrong.)

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