Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Home Again / Fish

Robin returned home, again, late on Saturday. Abi was shy to see him Sunday morning, but then again, it was also the morning and she's not a morning person. She perked right up at the promised of presents though!
It's been a while since I posted any photos of Abi, so here are a couple from this evening. I was taking photos of the newest member of the household (below) and Abi asked me if I was going to take her photograph too.
So I did.
A couple shots later (see flickr), however, she was insisting I not take more.
Which meant I had to take at least one more...

And another while she ignored me.

Most of my photos today were of this:
The as-of-yet-nameless fish Abi picked out at the store today to complete the tank.
ETA: Abi named him today: Gargamel

You might also notice he has new plants in the tank too. More than one.
I think he's quite handsome, don't you?


He certainly does.


He's not alone. There's at least one snail and I think the other critter is a little shrimp. We may or may not have also had/still have a baby corydora fish. Maybe it was the little shrimp all along. Or maybe there are two critters and I just haven't spotted the baby fish in a while.

Can you spot the wee trumpet snail? Well, it was much more exciting when it was the only visible critter in the tank.

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