Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Yippee - It's October!!

Ah, October. Cool breezes. Sunny skies. Autumn colours and crisp leaves. How lovely.

Let's hurry up and skip to the end of the month! Then we can get to the good stuff!! Namely, the ultrasound (Oct 25) and Halloween. I have no idea what I'm dressing up as this year, but I'd like it to incorporate baby somehow. But not as gorey as what my sister did during her pregnancy last year! (see photo below) I also plan on decorating the house this year. Last year the renovations were in the way and we hid in the basement with our lights off. And sheesh - they didn't even show Thriller on TV. What's Halloween without MJ's Thriller on MM?

In the meantime, I suppose I'll have to occupy myself by getting stuffed this weekend. A long weekend of fun - and this month I/we are taking advantage of it! Over the summer the long weekends slipped by us unnoticed. Robin currently has Thursdays and Fridays off, plus he got the weekend off, and he's not working the holiday Monday. So he has a 5 day weekend! (I have to teach Friday). We're celebrating his birthday on Saturday. Then we're sharing dinner with his cousins on Sunday. It's somewhat unfortunate that his birthday is this weekend and we want to celebrate with friends, because otherwise we could have taken off for a mini holiday. We'll just have to have a holiday here at home. This week I'll be busy finishing up Robin's surprise gifts. I already gave him an early present - a Halo 3 poster I made sure I got before they all sold out (with H2 they sold out in 2 weeks). I also wanted him to have it before the actual game came out - but he's still not put it up. And now, of course, he's too busy playing H3 to worry about the poster.

Robin's soon changing jobs. He'll still be with the same company (unless he quits), but the job will be somewhat different. He may get stuck with some crappy hours for a while :( But he's hopeful that the new developments will give him an opportunity to get a supervisory position.

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