Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Sunday, September 16, 2007


After giving up hope of getting a co-sleeper (crib alternative) locally (the producer does not sell to Canada, though some small Canadian stores import them for a premiuim price) we'd made plans to find a convertible crib for co-sleeping.
Until yesterday when Robin spotted an ad in Kitchener selling a co-sleeper for only $65. Fortunately he responded immediately because the woman apparently had many inquiries. We got it home and set it up all by ourselves - without a manual. I laugh at all the reviews I've read that say it's so hard to assemble and disassemble. Pshah - we figured it out quickly all by ourselves! Of course, I'll check the instructions available on-line to make sure we did everything right.
I also want to find a different mattress for it. I don't like the board-like mattress that comes with it. As far as I'm concerned, it's just a padded mattress base. No baby should have to sleep on that! It's the same as the mattress base on a playpen - which is fine for once in a while. And of course, this is not surprising since the Co-Sleeper by Arm's Reach is really just a playpen with a full bassinet on top. The difference from other pen-bassinets is that one side drops lower for co-sleeping.
Anyhow - we're happy with our deal. And this gives us time to figure out the long-term sleeping plan for baby after s/he is born.
In the meantime - Fenwick likes it :)
And having an actual baby bed in the house is inspiring me to think of bedding. Since the co-sleeper does not share its dimensions with a standard crib, I'll have to make my own fitted sheets. The company does sell plain coloured fitted sets, but again, I'm looking at an American company and shipping. I'd much rather make my own. I can sew. And I can pick out my own fabrics! That's much more fun!! Some nice soft cotton flannels I'm thinking...
Also on the list of items for the bed is a lamb-friendly "lamb's skin" mattress pad. Made from shorn wool rather than an actual lamb's skin of course. I'm looking for a (preferably Canadian) alternative to the popular Snuggle Wool products because the latter backs their lambswool pads with polyester rather than organic cotton and they treat their wool rather extensively for easy washing.

Watch for new photos next week.

PS - Hello Aunt Joyce. It was you I was referring to :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mandy and Robin;
The co-sleeper sounds like a great idea and what a smoking deal!
You might want to check out a few baby sites from australia or new zealand as they are very big on natural wool products down under. I bought a lambkin sheepskin when I was working as a nanny down there and used it when Christopher was a baby. He loved it. They probably have "lamb friendly " products now as well.
Have fun sewing!!!
Aunt Joyce.

Too Big for My Skin

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