Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Official Ontarians

I suppose we have to submit to being Ontarians now... at least for the next 4 years. We now have Ontario driver's licenses and will soon be registering our vehicle here. And then there's the fact that we live here...
But I will always be a Prairie Girl at heart, and we'll continue to call Manitoba home.

Not that living in Ontario is bad. It has its advantages, like -25 is the coldest we've been getting this winter. Manitoba can keep it's -40 weather thank you. And where we live the snow is cleared for us (I hear the plows now) except for right around the car. Apparently they don't dig everyone's car out of the snow for us :) No, instead they bury the vehicles with the snow they push around in the lot. Good thing we bought a shovel last night - it's snowing.
And I am pleased that I no longer have to climb a mountain (of snow) to get out of my home, as I did in Newfoundland. They didn't clear any sidewalks there.

So winter has it's benefits here. We'll see what Spring holds...

Time to curl back up with a text book. Here's hoping this post works (I already wrote it once and lost it from some error).

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