Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Daddy's New Toy

I'm sure if Robin were writing here, he'd like to send out his sincere gratitude to our parents for sending him Christmas money, with which he was able to buy an Archos 5 tablet.

He can tell you all about himself one day - and I'm sure he will. The 5 indicates a 5" screen. So it's very portable and does all sorts of things - like play music and videos, connect to the internet with WiFi, touch screen, etc.  For comparison purposes, it's rather like an iPad except it's not an Apple product and it runs Android (by Google creators).
It was just left on our doorstep by the UPS guy.  (Knock, drop, and run - is that their motto?)

ETA conversation that followed on IM:
Me: "Shall I open it for you and tell you all about it? :P"
Robin: "And steal all my fun?????"
Me: "Yes!"
Robin: :(
Me: "Hey, you get a new toy. What about my fun?"
Robin: "You got to blog about it."

So I blogged more.
And of course I won't open it.
I'm sure I won't even get to see it for weeks...

1 comment:

Robin said...

You can watch as I open it

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