Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

it's a new year

Hi all.
I'm feeling obliged to make a New Year post - just because of the number of people I know who are returning to their blogs afresh after a hiatus.  Not that I've been away from my blog - no, my obligation to post about Abi and knitting is too great to stay away.  I think, upon reflection, that I've done a pretty good job of keeping up with the blog updates for you.  Yes, for you. Well, a little for me - I confess that when I look over old posts I'm reminded of events I'd forgotten.  But mostly for you, our friends and family - particularly those who are far away.
As I type Abi is on my lap. Asking for fresh water in my cup. brb.
Where was I? Oh, yay me for keeping up with blogging for you (and me).

For those of you who read this on FB, rather than Blogspot, you've probably not noticed the increasing bar indicating the completion-level of my dissertation.  It's at 80% now.  What does that mean? It means I've finished the really boring review chapters - chapters 2, 3, and 4. I've finished most of the introduction (which I've shared with you here) except for that other boring part where I tell the reader what follows in the rest of the chapters. I'm half done chapter 5 in which I discuss the contexts of religious socialization for Pagan kids (the Pagan movement and families).  I've outlined chapter 6 in which I discuss the experiences of second-generation Pagans to discern the processes of religious socialization actually at work. And then there's the conclusion to write, which I have drafted on paper, but will likely be much revised by the time I am done.  Does that sound like 80% ? Maybe I should make it higher - because the boring stuff is done.  Okay, so there's still some (boring) editing ahead.

Time for our tea. With Abi's new tea set. She's waited patiently.

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