Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Happy Giggles

There's not much that's better than laughing, smiling, playful babies in the day and sleeping babies at night.  Makes it easy to 'forget' all the crying in between (and the endless diaper changes).
I've been terribly lax about sharing photos, but that's primarily because I've not really taken many decent ones lately.  Babies are at that stage where they stop the cute thing they were doing and just stare at the strange metallic device.  It's no good for photos. Or videos.  I did manage to get this cute video the other day. (Already shared on FB).

As for what we've been up to this summer... aside from 2 weeks of Folklorama... there has been a lot of geocaching. A bit of knitting on my part (especially during long drives - thank goodness for long drives!).  Plenty of fun with family (Abi went to Thunder Rapids twice in one week with her papere).  Weekly library trips.  Geocaching - wait, I think I mentioned that already.  You know, stuff, "the days are just packed" kind of things.
And while everyone else is heading back to school (many of Abi's friends, my dad to teach, etc), summer continues for us.  I've been trying to find fun daytime programs for Abi. Alas, the Winnipeg leisure guide and community centres nearby don't seem to have much in the day for kids - not like in KW.  I was hoping for a daytime dance class like she had before at Victoria Hills CC.  I don't understand why all the preschool-age dance classes are offered at or after dinner.
So far we're going to put her in a Saturday dance group at the Scandinavian Center because Abi thought it looked like fun during Folklorama and the hostess at the pavilion sold us all on the program.  (Can't beat the price, non-competitive, fun, could be in Folklorama next year, etc.).  We're also going to do story time at the library during weekdays.  We're hesitant to commit her to other (expensive) programs when we're not sure where we'll be living half-way through the term.  (Note for my Ontario friends, there is no JK here. Not that it would matter at the moment because contrary to her previous insistence that she has to go to a real school, she now insists that she's going to stay home and mommy's going to be her teacher.  So we're back to the homeschooling plan.)

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