Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Preparing... nesting?

I've been feeling very restless today.
Getting our room ready. Or, trying to. As much as I'm allowed to do... At this point I need other adults to move furniture around.
We picked up a new crib mattress today. Still have to get a step can "garbage" bin for our cloth diapers.  I have liners that perfectly fit inside the tall rectangular ones.  Otherwise ready...
I'm MORE than ready!
I am very much ready for the babies to join us outside the womb!
I am eating a lot of pineapple...
and taking evening primrose oil...

but so far just irregular Braxton Hicks contractions. Nevertheless, fingers are crossed around here that it's soon.  I'd cross more, but I don't think I'm even physically capable of crossing my legs.  Too much baby in the way.  Solid baby belly.

Perhaps I should finish up that butterfly shawl.  Yeah, knitting, that might help.

Everything else is in order - plenty of clothes, cloth diapers, socks, Robeez, blankets, baby carriers... A lot.

Time to go drink the nettle and red raspberry leaf tea that must be done brewing by now. (yummm... not)

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