Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Almost in Winnipeg. 2 days to go. In less than 48 hours we'll be there. Yippee. Got some pills for Darla to ease her tension. Hopefully she won't flip out too much at the airport. I'm still not sure how exactly we move about in the airport with her. We must be able to walk her until we can load the carrier onto the plane... because we can't move her in the crate... there's no handles and she's pretty heavy.

At long last Robin got his XBox 360. Then he discovered some of his games, including his beloved soccer game, are not compatible. One of them is a game I just bought him. grrrr. He's going to trade them in.

Almost done marking my second batch of papers. Guess how many cases of plagiarism I've caught this time. I have 57 papers and I've marked just over half... I'm up to 9! Robin and my supervisor can attest that I've been grumbling a lot...

Almost have vegetables. We've been blessed with rain at long last and all the plants are catching up in their growth. I look forward to seeing their progress when I return. Maybe I'll have peas or beans to pick... I already have a teeny cayenne pepper.

Almost asleep. It's closing in on 1 am. I've been out on the deck grading papers under ths stars with a couple of candles and the deck light. I'll just input those numbers and crash for the night. I finished off the last small brandy glass of caribou earlier... makes me sleepy (unless I'm partying at Le Festival).

I'll share photos when I get home. Hopefully I'll have something worthy of sharing by then.

OMG - almost forgot to mention that I'm going to be an aunty! (By blood this time). My sister is pregnant. See the happy couple this past February.

The soon-to-be parents. Looks like we may have kids a year apart (and that's all I'm saying on that!)

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