Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Inn is closed for March

Well, we survived the month of houseguests.

It wasn't really so bad of course. But it nevertheless changes dynamics and schedules.

We celebrated my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary on the 18th. There was a wonderful extended family and friends dinner in St. Catharines. Mom and dad were out to visit, as were V and her boyfriend - who now live in Kelowna. Everyone except mom just stayed a few days - primarily for the weekend of the dinner. Mom stayed until the end of the month. We had a lot of fun - good food and shopping.

While in Niagara Falls area I took my first trip behind the Falls. There is a lot of water falling from above you! And it's cold!

Robin benefited from the shopping too with an early ostara gift from mom - two games for his old N64 - Mario Kart and Tennis. We had a few rounds of Dr. Mario with mom before she left (she lost most often) - that's her favourite game and mine. I'm glad we've finally got the N64 hooked up again :)
Of course, he had the most fun when his friends were here - attending a hockey game in Buffalo and such.

Jenny, Gryphon and especially Darla charmed everyone staying at the Inn. Darla will miss mom cuddling on the floor with her for extended belly rubs. She spent a lot of time watching Olympics with my mom downstairs. Now she's back in the office chair.

I am officially declaring the Inn closed for the month. It will reopen in April for Alisha's visit.
(The exception is limited stays from immediate family, particularly Aunty K and Aunty R)

Stay tuned for more fun here at the KW Home...
Coming soon:
St. Patrick's Day Tupperware Party!!

(first it's a vacuum, now its a tupperware party... I am so domesticated... it's fun! you know what's next... not yet)

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