Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Staying Connected

On a similar note to the last on Blogging, there are multiple ways of connecting with me online.
If you are not a Gather or MySpace user there are two IM options and one VoIP option:
1) MSN Messenger - Find me under m[lastname] @msn.com. Don't bother emailing me at this address though as I don't use it. I do see in "Msn Today" if I have mail.

2) Yahoo Messenger, which I often neglect to turn on primarily because very few of my friends are on it exclusively. You can find me here at mandy[lastname] @yahoo.ca

3) Gizmo - This is my new favourite toy. It's a great, free Voice over IP - which means if you have a mic we can talk for free just like a phone. Sound wise it is much better than any Messenger and more reliable. Gizmo is one of the best options for VoIP because it is compatible with both Macs and PCs - which is good for me because many of my friends and family use Macs (wish I was one of them!). Plus, it offers very cheap long distance rates if you call a landline. (Gizmo to Gizmo is free)
You'll find me on Gizmo with my name.


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