Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


From our family to yours - Happy Thanksgiving. We hope it was filled with delicious food and good company. Just like ours was.

We were blessed with not one, but two delicious meals - and we didn't have to cook a single turkey! Robin happily baked pumpkin pie for our first dinner and whipped together a carrot salad accented with fresh herbs from the garden (just before the frost hit Monday morning!). Monday night I prepared acorn squash with apples (and spices and all that good stuff - and I made up the recipe I might add proudly). It was well received - as were Robin's dishes, but who doesn't love Robin's cooking? (Except for Abi on occasion.)

There was something else from this week I meant to blog about for you.
While I try to remember, I'll also inform you that you can see Abi and I on the local Global news Tuesday evening. I was approached at the Thanksgiving Day parade and asked for my opinion about polka. Huh? That was pretty much my initial response. Polka music. More specifically, apparently there is some "save the polka" thing in response to the Grammy's cutting out the category of Polka music. I learned all this during the interview of course because - who cares?! That is to say, I don't care. Even if I watched the Grammys (which I occasionally do) for the awards, I'm sure I would have been watching a commercial when the Polka awards were given out. Anyhow, what I really said at that early hour of the day, after rolling out of bed and straight out the door at 8:30am because some crazy beer-drinking Oktoberfest organizers think it's a good idea to have a parade at 0830h... what I really said was more like "I don't know. I don't really have a vested interest in polka music." And then after he explained the issue, I added something about cultural music, and grammy award competition (apparently the same people keep winning the polka award) and understanding the perspective of the awards committee. Pretty much giving my opinion on something I didn't have an opinion on two minutes earlier - all because someone insisted I should have an opinion on this issue and stuck a microphone and camera in my face and I felt obliged to have an opinion...
And THAT is what I get for dressing Abi and I up in our adorable handmade witch hats - which always draws good attention.
After wandering off to gather more opinions, the crew returned and started filming Abi and I from multiple angles as we watched the parade. So I guess that pretty much solidified that we would be featured in the news broadcast. On the plus side - Abi IS cute... and I had her bundled up in her cutest purple sweater, her witch hat, babywearing with the orange wrap, and cuddling with the orange babywearing blanket I made that ties on. Hmm, maybe I should have been nursing too. lol (okay, that was a quiet laugh because it's 1am and I don't want to wake Abi.)
No, I don't have photos because it's rather hard to take a picture of myself like this and I really did roll out of bed, so there was little preparation involved. (Robin had to work.)
You'll just have to watch the news if you can.

Evidently, I can't sleep, despite waking far too early for my tastes this morning. (Matter of Taste cappuccino helped a little this morning.)
I'm still trying to remember...

Oh yes, Abi had her first dentist appointment last week. It went very well - that is to say, it wasn't a bad experience for her. However, the dentist did confirm my suspicions that Abi has tooth decay. Crappy. Fortunately, the teeth are not soft and she doesn't need fillings or surgery (yet). We are taking more preventative measures, including applying some pastes and gels to her teeth to help strengthen them and slow down the decay. And while it is easy to say "they're just baby teeth", she does need them for another 5-7 years yet. It is her lateral incisors that are in the worst condition.

Hard to believe it's mid October already. We're expecting a visit from Robin's dad by the end of the month and we're off to Montreal in November for a conference and to visit family. And that, my friends, is the latest update.

Photos? Yeah yeah. I'll get some up when I get some and download them. Now that Abi's in childcare during the days, I have fewer opportunities to take pictures and we're often too busy on the weekend.

Oh, oh - the other big news around here is that both our sisters are engaged. On my side, that's somewhat old news now (a month ago?), but Robin's sister is very newly engaged. We'll be home this summer for my sister's wedding (on our anniversary no less), but no date/location set yet for the other wedding. Yay for weddings I don't have to plan! Wait - what exactly are the responsibilities of a maid of honour who lives out of town???

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