Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Fantastic Weekend

It's been a whirlwind of fun this weekend! There was one snag though - Abi got sick. Fortunately, for the most part she was her usual happy self - just a snotty-faced, sometimes sleepy, happy self. And a little more cuddly.
Friday was Robin's surprise party at home. I'm still amazed that I managed to pull this off! It was a little more difficult with Abi having to come home Friday at noon because she threw up at daycare (and not since), but I was able to get everything ready. And Robin never knew! He was watching TV in the basement while people arrived. I told him I had some girls coming over - implying a healing circle or something - so he knew not to come upstairs. Yes, it worked out perfectly - and the only reason it succeeded was because every time I would feel myself getting excited about the surprise party, I would cover it up by talking about the Hip concert I won tickets to.
We had a lot of fun at the games night Friday surprise party - with the help of a living room full of friends.

These are his birthday mittens.

Saturday night we were in Hamilton for the Tragically Hip concert. 5th row. Free tickets. What more could one ask for? I don't think I need to tell fans that it was an AWESOME concert. They put on one hell of a show.Sunday morning Robin ran the Run for the Cure by himself. Abi wasn't feeling up to joining him. She slept in instead and we weren't about to wake a sleeping sick baby.

Special thanks to all who donated to the Run for the Cure - not just if you donated to Robin. And thank you again to friends who joined us in celebrating Robin's not-yet-30th birthday.

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