We took our first house hunting tour on Tuesday (two days ago).
OMG. It was scary! It wasn't the thought of investing a lot of money, making a big committment to a place etc. It was just the houses. Some of them were VERY scary!!!
One house obviously had an unneutered male cat... the basement reeked of cat spray. Others were not as described. Some we didn't even bother to enter. If there was no yard, then it wasn't even a consideration.
But one house topped them all: it had shag carpeting ON THE CEILING. Yes, on the ceiling. It was musty and dark. Carpet everywhere (despite the add saying hardwood floors, apparently under the carpet), including the bathroom. And there were two covered porches, front and back, very old. The back one was clearly rotted our beneath the carpet. One jump and it would be gone! I ran away. Almost literally. But mostly I was just shocked. ANd then very disappointed. It seemed we would never find anything we really liked. :(
Then we did find an amazing renovated home. Great fully finished basement. Lovely eat-in kitchen. But, it's on a busy road, akin to Jubilee (in Winnipeg; for those in KW it's Victoria St).
So we are off again tomorrow morning to see more. This time we'll be looking at semi-detatched homes (ie, they share one wall with a neighbour). All the Tuesday houses were single detatched and older homes. The worst feature of older homes is the teeny rooms upstairs with sloping walls - nowhere to fit furniture even if we could get it up the narrow stairwells.
Jen, I hope that is a sufficient update for you.
Veronica, we didn't take any pictures yet because there was nothing we are seriously considering. But we will place pictures of our favourites when they arise and everyone can vote/comment :)
I wish I had a photo of the shag ceiling to share though...