Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Friday, July 22, 2011


Kissy-face from Abi. (It's much nicer than the other silly faces she was making for the camera.)
Nothing terribly exciting to write about lately. Like everyone I know, we're just trying to stay cool in this tropical heat wave.
Trying not to knit or spin the mohair project... you know, that kind of stuff.
Swimming at a friend's place some days, but in the last week, mostly just hiding inside with the air conditioning.

Also, "muah" made me think of Abi's recent proclivity to give a wicked laugh when she's tackling me. "Mwhahahahahaha."  I've taught her well.

Robin and I will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary this year. We're going to see a movie.  Without cable at home, I had no idea that a new X-Men movie was released last month (missed it) and new Transformers is playing - until a friend happened to mention it.  Of course, I know of the new Harry Potter, since enough of my online friends are fans Tweeting and FBing about it.  I managed to miss part one of HP however, so it looks like I need to rent a movie.
I suppose I could set something on my browser/Yahoo/a newsfeed/Twitter to keep me updated about movie releases, but nah. That would involve too many notices I don't care for.  Usually Robin's pretty good about knowing of these things. I don't know how he missed these ones. Busy I guess (and I suppose his X-Box gaming friends don't talk about movies while they're shooting and blowing stuff up).

Also, look for us in Winnipeg - to visit - mid-late August.

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