Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Getting my knit on

I was curious to see myself knitting (and purling), so with the tripod already out and the sun shining in the window, I took some video footage.
I'm going to use the longer footage to calculate my knits per minute. Just because I'm curious.
Aside from cutting out most of the footage, this is not edited. Ie, that is really my speed for knit stitches and purl stitches (slower). Plus on the knit row I'm slipping two stitches (for that row).  Not every stitch is so quick to do.

I also did a quick video demonstrating a decrease technique used in my shawl design that creates 2 mirrored decreases from 3 stitches. (Not actually made in the correct place because I had already completed that row of decreases.)

And, for a joke I video recorded as I frogged back many rows of knitting on the shawl after changing the pattern for better increases along the sides. (This video predates the knitting above.)
For the non-knitters, "frogging" refers to ripping back: rip-it, rip-it / ribbit ribbit. Yes, it's knitting humour. Like "tinking" is to un-knit stitch by stitch or k-n-i-t backwards. tink.

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