Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


We enjoyed a delicious thanksgiving dinner with my grandma, aunt and cousin. Full of turkey, stuffing... and pumpkin pie! Seeing as how we left the second pie with grandma, I think Robin should bake another one (or two). Yep.
Not much else around here to report. Same ol' working and home stuff.
Let's see, Abi's getting bigger, her vocabulary grows in leaps and bounds, she's increasingly daring in climbing EVERYTHING... all things to be expected. I have mentioned she's independent right? Yeah, well, she's also two and a half... enough said.
She's already planning her own third birthday. To hear her tell it, it's next week. "I'm going to be three" she tells everyone. "But I'm still just two" she adds. At first she was getting two cakes, and now it's three (according to her). We'll see what proportions this grows to in the next 6 months... She also has many ideas of what gifts she wants. "I'm getting two bears for my birthday" oh, really? She doesn't need more! I think I should be blaming Ericka for sending a belated gift package in September. Now she's expecting more gifts! :P
Yule should be very exciting this year for her. Last year she was overwhelmed and I think having my even-more-excited parents there didn't help. Plus another excited toddler. This year should be a little quieter since we'll be staying in Ontario. We can take things a little slower. But why am I even talking about Yule already? Yuck! Stop that Mandy!!
I haven't even made plans for Samhain yet, let alone plan for Yule.
What's Abi going to wear for Halloween trick or treating (wherein she will gather candy for ME)? People keep asking. I figure she can wear the green spider web dress she already loves that has a matching witch hat. Hey, she loves it. She already wore it to the local medieval faire and then again the next day to a birthday party (at her insistence) and she might just wear it every day if I let her. Really innovative, I know. Witch and witchling dressing up as witch and witchling for Halloween :P It's the only day I can get away with wearing my collection of fabulous-fun witch hats in public - without weird looks.

Photos? yeah, I'll get you some. I just found the camera after looking for days... somehow it ended up in the bottom of my PJ drawer. I knew I'd seen it last in a 'basket' of clothing (apparently that basket was a drawer - I was close).

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