Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

No more sick please

Ick. Abi was sick from Saturday evening through Monday and then it was my turn to crash following a lack of sleep and exposure to her virus. Thankfully I wasn't vomiting like Abi and I got through it quicker - with a good day of sleep and another restful night.

But before that hit, we were able to attend the local Knitters Fair on Saturday. I was a good girl and only bought a few items all for about $45. Pretty darn good for yarn fair shopping. That's what I spent on me. I got a couple of small remnant skeins of green lace weight from Waterloo Wools (my favourite local dyer) and two skeins of sock yarn in orange and brown from Painted Fleece (only $11 each),plus a few simple stitch markers from Painted Fleece because I can never find enough when I need them. I bought some lovely sock yarn from PF last year too, and some laceweight I still haven't used.
My sister received these socks made with Painted Fleece yarn last year.

I also picked up some more expensive (as in one skein cost more than all the stuff I bought combined) cashmere for a friend who couldn't attend (as intended) because she had a baby a couple days earlier. Darn baby just couldn't wait! :P The local knitters group all pitched in and we bought her the cashmere she'd been hoping to get (or, we assume this was the particular cashmere she wanted based on several clues in previous discussions.) It was our "bouquet" with a card signed by all. I wrapped it up like a baby in a basket and delivered it to her doorstep that day. After knocking at the screen door (thankfully nobody was visible in the house) I raced back to the car at the side of the house, my adrenaline pumping, and drove off with Abi and Darla. (We proceeded to the dog park and then to a park with swings for Abi - all before she was sick.)
The picture quality is fuzzy because (I later realized) Abi had covered the lens with fingerprints.

Abi and I spent the past few days on the couch watching movies, cuddling, knitting. I was tired and ick while she was sick, but it wasn't until after she was better that I really crashed. Must be mommy-instincts. Wasn't much I could do while cuddling - except knit. Especially with the wireless issues I've had at home and the slowness of the laptop.
So I worked on some socks
Photobucketphoto pre-lens-cleaning

Photobucket photo post-lens-cleaning

Finished the body of my cardigan

And yesterday (while I was sick) found this horrible hole in my socks!
Really not what I wanted to find yesterday.

Additionally, my sleep was interrupted yesterday by the mailman delivering a Knit Picks order. "Good afternoon, how are you?" he asked as I opened the door half-asleep and somewhat embarrassed by how I must have looked.
"I'm sick" I replied as I took the large box. Thankfully there wasn't anything to sign and he left quickly. Probably didn't want to catch anything! It was rather strange feeling to give an honest answer to a stranger rather than the usual "oh, I'm fine" we tend to give. I wasn't feeling coherent enough to do anything other than tell the truth. He'd woken me up from deep sleep with loud banging from the door knocker. Good thing too or I wouldn't have heard him and then I'd have to go pick up the box from a post office.

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