Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Good Dog

I often forget how good-natured Darla is. She's not a guard-dog, that's for sure. She doesn't bark outside (unlike the other neighbourhood dogs who are CONSTANTLY barking for hours...), she doesn't run away (even if she breaks free of her ties), she doesn't jump up on people (usually; it's rare when she does and only with certain friendly people we know).

I was reminded of her good nature the other day as the meter-reader was walking through the neighbourhood. After checking our meter at the side of the house, he proceeded to stroll across our front yard. I was on the front step, in the shade, reading (Kids in Context: The Sociological Study of Children and Childhoods - Boocock and Scott) while Darla was relaxing in the shady bushes next to me. He was midway across when Darla trotted out to greet/sniff him. Clearly, with his job, he is accustomed to greeting dogs and had his hand ready. She didn't bark, or jump and she certainly didn't attack the stranger in her yard.
Yep, we have a good dog. Good enough that I can forgive that she doesn't give me any space (who does in this house?!) and has separation anxiety.

Look at how well she gets along with the cats.

And here she is a willing subject for one of Abi's photoshoots. She's also frequently the recipient of squishy-hugs from Abi. And disciplining by Abi: "No Darla!" "Darla, sit" "Stay!" "Don't eat my pancake Darla!" (too late)

She manages to find her way into many photos - often by walking in front of the camera just as the picture is being taken.
Who else would keep my feet warm under the desk so diligently? Or constantly be in my way? Or manage to stick her nose into my foot's pathway behind me as I'm walking and then make me feel guilty that I thwack her because I don't have eyes at the back of my head. (Nope, I don't)

Darla doesn't receive enough recognition for being so fabulous - so I dedicate this post to her :)

I'm also trying to generate "good dog energy" for our drive to Winnipeg with her and Abi in the back of our Corolla...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love a dog like Darla!!!
Have a great time in Wpg., wish we wre there too!
Auntie Joyce

Too Big for My Skin

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