Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Friday, February 01, 2008

Snow Day

I suspect "snow day" blog posts are popping up all over Ontario (and who knows where else) today. All the students, from K - University are home today. Me, I'm looking out the window thinking "I do NOT want to shovel that!!" But alas, someone has to if I'm to move the car. Robin is at work, so the task once again falls to me.
The theme of the Imbolc celebration I have helped plan this year is Transition. Rightfully so this year! Yesterday was sunny and warm, today is a snow day, and this weekend is supposed to be above zero... One day you can see the grass, the next it's blanketed in white.

What's a girl to do on a snow day, besides make hummus (without enough lemons...) and knit. I keep saying I'll use the pumpkins in my front entrance, which look like they're still good, but I dread the thought of cutting them open, cleaning them out, baking them - and THEN making something from the meat. It's a loooong process. And constantly-hungry pregnant me doesn't make for a good cook.

One thing I could do this afternoon is make a short promotional video clip on behalf of Spirits of the Earth festival. They'd like some clips made with a "nature" background by attendees - praising the festival of course... Is a snowstorm natural enough? ;)

The other thing I'd like to finish is a friend's birthday gift. I shan't say more about that until it's done and gifted... Then I'll post pictures, because I'm quite pleased with how it is turning out, especially since I'm making it up as I go...

In order to do any of these things, I would have to stop sitting here... which would require moving... and then I might feel obliged to shovel. Better to sit here and type. I'm also browsing story books for an Imbolc story of tranistion... still no luck and I've almost exhausted my collections. Then I find another book I forgot about... There's a good series by Stephen Cosgrove I can think of that might have an appropriate story, but I'm pretty sure they are still in Winnipeg because I can't find them here. I'll have to add them to my must-retrieve list.

As a final note, yesterday the midwives came here for our homevisit. Nothing particular to report. Listened to Baby's heartbeat as usual, mostly for Robin's benefit since he hasn't been able to attend every appointment, and we noticed how much slower it is than when we first heard it. Of course, it's still more rapid than my own.

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