Quote of the Now

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Things in a Box

Things in a Box is a great game. I am borrowing the title to describe Abigail's "art" scattered around the living room. I believe I have previously mentioned her penchant for putting things in boxes/containers and taking things out of boxes/containers. This afternoon I noticed she had quite the collection of boxes with things in them.
Things in a Box
Animals in a box.

Things in a Box
Block in a box

Things in a Box
1 Block in a Box

Things in a Box
Blocks in a Box

Variation on Things in a Box
Variation on Things in a Box: Tree in a Dish

Variation on Things in a Box
Variation on Things in a Box: Animals in a Flower Pot

Variation on Things in a Box
Variation on Things in a Box: Pig outside a Box

Abi is quite the abstract artist. What do you think? Could she make a living as an artist? She is a Pisces...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Oh I Wish I Were

Oh I Wish I Were
Words by Mandy
Sung to the tune of the Oscar Myer Wiener song

Oh I wish I were a brave fire-fighter
Yes that is what I’d really like to be
And if I were a brave fire-fighter
I’d rescue all the cats stuck in a tree

Oh I wish I were an organic farmer
Yes that is what I’d really like to be
And if I were an organic farmer
I’d plant carrots and turnips next to peas

Oh I wish I were a math and physics teacher
Yes that is what I’d really like to be
And if I were a math and physics teacher
I’d know the square root of infinity

Oh I wish I were call center agent
Yes that is what I’d really like to be
But if I were a call center agent
Everyone would say “don’t bother me”

Oh I wish I were a veterinary doctor
Yes that is what I’d really like to be
And if I were a veterinary doctor
I’d clean up lots cat and puppy pee

Oh I wish I lived in Banff or maybe Whistler
Yes that is where I’d really like to be
And if I lived in Banff or maybe Whistler
In all my spare time I could go and ski

Oh I wish I were a professor of religion
Yes that is what I’d really like to be
And if I were a professor of religion
I’d know the meaning of infinity

Oh I wish I were an Olympic Bingo player
Yes that is what I’d really like to be
And if I were an Olympic Bingo player
I’d win the gold with O 63.

This is a song I enjoy singing to Abigail. It is inspired, no? Can you guess my inspirations?
It is intentionally tongue in cheek and not meant to offend anyone.
I welcome additional verses in the spirit of the song. Can you do better than I have?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

First Tentative Steps

It is finally happening. After many months of cruising along the furniture; stealing baskets, boxes and chairs to walk with; and standing alone, Abigail has taken her first tentative steps to mommy. This evening she turned from the chair, let go, reached out to my outstretched fingers, and holding on to them ever so lightly, walked towards me. Right into Darla who heard my excitement and wanted to join in. As she started those first steps I called Robin, but he couldn't hear me over the xBox and, alas for him, he missed those first steps. I tried to encourage Abi to do it again, but the moment was lost. We'll try again tomorrow. She is FINALLY asleep. I suspect more teeth are coming because she has been very much wide awake ALL DAY and many times through the night these last several days. Maybe longer. It's hard to recall.
I'm editing a video of Abi climbing in and out of baskets and boxes, which is quite cute. I'll upload it to the youtube account when finished. Until then, you'll have to settle for a great toothy still of her in a box.
Climbing in and out
Are those not the cutest bug pants? Look at how proud she is of herself for climbing into the box (after she pushed it into the corner).

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Welcoming Ostara

Spring is here in all its glory.
(Let us ignore the brisk winds outside today after a warm week. Let us not think of the possibility of snowflakes.)
The snowdrops are blooming in my garden and the crocuses should be coming out soon. It seems we lost our lovely siberian squill bulbs last year. I don't recall seeing them last spring, although I will grant that I was preoccupied. Rabbits or mice probably ate the bulbs.

I began the day with tasty mini french toasts using up the baguette I bought at the Stonecrock Bakery in St. Jacobs on Tuesday when Rita, Abigail and I went out to enjoy the afternoon.
Mini French Toasts Delicious. Abigail had baked egg yolk.

With a full belly, Abigail and I took Darla on a walk to Superstore to pick up photos. While there I noticed a new shop that sells clothes. I was going to keep walking until I noticed the wall of baby onesies with cute sayings like "insert food here; poop here" (accompanied by arrows). These cotton t-shirts and onesies are even made in Canada. I just *had* to pick up the "Fairy Princess" t-shirt, complete with wings printed on the back. I also got the "Yay 4 Boobies" and "I [heart] boobs" onsies. Robin will love them and I am proud to have a breastfeeding baby. She's certainly not showing any signs of weaning soon.


Abigail and I are attending her second Ostara ritual this evening (first this year). She is going to help me invite the ancestors. We'll be bundled up warm. And, uh oh, I just realized I need to make something for the potluck after.

Well being

Today I had an appointment with our (Abi and my) naturopathic doctor about me. Nothing to be concerned about - I'm fine. It was simply time to check in since I hadn't seen her about my health (except as it relates to Abigail) in well over a year.
Things I learned (which were not exactly news, but yes I do need someone else to tell me because when I tell myself these things I easily ignore it) include that I need to eat more calories and protein to compensate for how much Abigail is consuming while nursing. We don't want me shrinking any more! Size 4 is small enough - smaller than I've ever been. I'm also going to go back onto vitamin supplements, even though I am terrible at remembering to take my vitamins! Maybe if they came in the shape of Flintstone characters I'd remember...
We talked about stress levels, and I think I handle my stress quite well. It doesn't seem to manifest in any "side effects". My health has been very good. I don't get sick very often.
So how do I do it?

I am often asked how I "do it all". That is, full-time research, teaching, stay at home mom. I don't think I'm unique in this regard, not at all. But I know how I handle it - by doing more! The "more" stuff is particular however. I knit and crochet. I barely read any more (except for my studies), which I do regret, but I knit and crochet. It is relaxing. It is creative. It is productive. And the projects are so cute! I always have the next (few) projects in mind and I usually have several on the needles (and hooks).
For example, right now I have Robin's space invaders mittens (which have pretty much been put aside since Winter is over and I'm sick of them for now and I'd rather work on other projects in the meantime), I just picked back up a pair of fingerless mitts for myself (after I carefully unknotted the ball of yarn Abi had gotten into), there is the oddball blanket I'm waiting on (other people have to send their squares to me to put together), the baby-wearing and stroller blanket... and I think that is all. I also have "orders" placed for a family of witch hats, a pair of dolls like I made Abi for her birthday, a set of toys for my nieces, 3 more dragons like I made for Abi, and some finger puppets. I also need to make some more wool soakers for Abi soon and I have some beautiful yarn waiting to become my first lace shawl. At the beginning of next month I'm going on a yarn crawl to get more yarn. Mwhahahaha.
I have become a fibre-junkie, I admit it.
I even have the early birthday present book to prove it - meditations on knitting by the yarn harlot herself. I don't have a cool moniker like Yarn Harlot or YarnPr0n (my friend's knit-name), but if I did it would be...
See, I'm not creative enough to come up with one. That's why I'm just Mandyz on Ravelry.
What is this Ravelry I speak of? It's like Facebook for fibre artists (knit, crochet, spinning). It's where I share my projects and look for new ones!

One of my recent favourite projects isn't on here and I can't share it until the recipient receives it.

Where was I going with this (you can always tell my late-night posts) - oh yes, stress management.
In addition to knitting on my own, I meet up with friends Tuesday nights for more knitting accompanied by good liquid beverages (coffee/tea) and better conversation. I won't repeat what we discuss in polite circles.
For additional human interaction I rely on my Friday afternoon coffee sessions with university colleagues (and Abi). And, for the next couple weeks there are also my Wednesday night classes, but I'm not sure if teaching counts as a form of stress relief. Nevertheless, it is adult time / Abi-free and that makes it inherently a form of stress relief.

That concludes my rambling note on well being. Back to knitting my fingerless mitts (made with seasilk wool).

Monday, March 16, 2009

Where did my keys go?

I spent the afternoon looking high and low for my keys so we could go check the mailbox. Abi and I had recently returned home from errands, so I knew they had to be somewhere. Not in any coat pockets. Not in any purses. Not in any doors, nor the car. Not on the keyrack. Not on any messy table or dresser. Not on the floor. I looked and looked again. And again. And a couple more times just to be sure. Keys do not walk away.
No they do not.
Eventually they would have to turn up. They must simply be in some obvious spot I had missed and I imagined that tomorrow I would walk by them, slap myself on the forehead, and wonder how I could have missed them.
Sitting in the living room that evening, reading for class, I watched Abi play with her toys strewn across the floor. I bought her some new books today and a puzzle that I was encouraging her to play with, but she prefers the classics: putting things in her favourite boxes.
As I watched her start to pull Alphabooks out of the Alphabooks-box I heard a familiar jingle.
Oh yes she did.
Abigail had hidden my keys.
And she had a big grin on her face. Oh, she knew. She was very proud of herself.

Fairy Cakes smile

At last the mystery was solved, although I still don't know where she found the keys in the first place. I suspect I was correct that they were originally in my hoodie and she must have taken them out of the pocket when I left it on the couch.
I wonder if she knows where my sweater is too...

To add to today's fun, Abigail started waving consistently this evening!

Friday, March 13, 2009

One Year

It's late (midnight) and I'm feeling reflective. Or maybe I'm simply feeling like talking. Either way, here I am typing and thinking (and eating banana bread crumbs off the plate that once held a warm slice of banana bread fresh from the oven).

I've said this many time before, but it is still true. When I think of Abigail I am caught between two measures of time. On the one hand, I can't believe she is already a year old. One year (and a bit) ago I gave birth to this beautiful child. Now she is climbing down from beds and couches, zipping across the floor on her hands and knees (and I do mean fast!), standing up alone, walking along furniture, holding her arms in the air and asking "up", signing for milk, covering her head to play peek-a-boo, and smiling with her 8 teeth... [most of these things are not recent accomplishments but are still very popular].
On the other hand, I do not recall life without Abigail. It is as if she has always been a part of my life - and that is a wonderful thing. I do remember doing things without her - my mommy-amnesia isn't that bad! It is more a sense of completeness (how cheesy does that sound?) and I don't remember being incomplete. I wasn't incomplete before Abigail came into our lives. I am, however, more fully complete with her here. I would certainly be incomplete without her in my life now.

Every day is filled with Abi for me. From the moment I wake until the moment I fall asleep Abigail is at the center.
A typical day is something like this:
0800h Robin is opening drawers getting dressed for work. I wake. By the time he leaves for work I'm ready to quietly roll out of bed. I literally roll out so as to not wake Abi who is sleeping beside me and has just finished nursing. The mattresses are on the floor now incase Abi rolls out of bed too accidentally.
Things can progress one of two ways at this point. Either Abi wakes or she sleeps. If she awakes she'll be up for a couple hours and go back to sleep by 1100 for a morning nap. If she stays asleep it's until 1000 or 1100h. Let's pretend it's the latter.
I get up, eat a bowl of cereal, check my e-mails and Facebook. Then I read a book (not fiction. I haven't read fiction in a long time) or grade assignments or transcribe or work on a paper or prepare a class... In short, I work while Abigail sleeps in. Oh, and start laundry. Let's not forget the constant laundry. And feed the pets. And let the dog out.
And drink something with caffeine. Usually tea. Sometimes coffee.
While I'm downstairs I will stare blankly at the messy living room. Abigail has toys strewn about and has at least one shelf of books pulled down. I'll get to it later... when she is playing.
1100h Abigail wakes. I know this because she has crawled over to the cat asleep at the end of the bed and now Fenwick is meowing at her tail being pulled. Abi greets me with a smile. We (I) sing the morning sun song:
The golden cockerel crows in the morning
wake up children/Abi, welcome the day.
the sun's bright rays are lighting the heavens
chasing sleepiness away
Sunshine, gladly we greet you
here come running to meet you
please shine in us and through us
brightening our play all day

You may recognize it with some words changed.
We go into the purple room, change her diaper, let her pee on the potty, get dressed, read a baby book, look out the window, talk about the day's plans... Then we go down to the living room and Abigail plays with her toys. She pulls blocks out of a box. She puts blocks and books into a box. Pulls them out of the box... Follows a cat across the floor to the sliding door and looks out onto the sunny deck. Notices the kalanchoe plant and pulls off a few (more) leaves to hand to me.
Time for some breakfast. Lately that has been baked egg yolk, which she dutifully feeds at least half of to Darla. I brew up some tea for Abi, either nettle or rooibus. She loves them both.
The rest of the day is spent playing, chasing animals, walking along furniture, chatting at me, nursing, crawling away, trying to pull things off the table, walking away with the dining room chairs, sitting at the gate as I wash dishes in the kitchen... If I can I pull out a knitting project. It is something I can work on while watching Abigail and can easily drop if needed.

Hopefully, by 1300h she is ready for a nap. Sometimes it is short at only an hour. Sometimes she sleeps as long as four hours. I like those days, although I'm never certain how long she will nap for. I can extend a short nap if I happen to catch the moment she wakes and can roll in to nurse her. Satisfied, she will often fall back asleep.
While she naps I can get back to work. At this point, however, I may feel more motivated to clean the living room and sweep it. Sweeping requires picking up all the toys and not having Abigail around to chase the broom or explore the pile of dirt. And there is laundry to work on. So I do that, then I check e-mail again. And Facebook. I pretend that there is more to the world than just my house. And I go back to whatever I was working on in the office, listening for Abigail to wake up. At my desk I eat a piece of fairly traded dark chocolate. It is part of my not-so-secret stash. Robin dares not touch it.
Soonafter it is time for Robin to get home from work and make dinner. Oh, yeah, I bet I forgot to eat lunch, so by now I am very hungry.
We have dinner in front of the TV since all the things I try to keep out of Abi's reach are piled on the dining room table. If I really have to I can clear space, but we don't usually bother to. Abi crawls about on the futon, throwing toys, while we eat. I'll often go back to work for a while and leave Abi with Robin as they watch curling (currently) or some other sporting event on TV. Depending on the day, I'll join them later to watch one of our favourite shows such as Heroes or Supernatural. Abigail does not nap in the evening. She is usually full of energy. She likes to play peek-a-boo with her daddy and poke at our belly buttons.
2200h (10pm) I am exhausted. Abi and I curl up in bed to nurse her to sleep.
However, if I am not tired I will sneak away and return to my office, just as I have done tonight. I can always choose to sleep in with her tomorrow morning.
Soon I will sneak back in. Inevitably I will wake her a little, she will roll over to nurse, and we will both fall asleep instantly.
Thus ends another day with Abigail. 24 hours. 7 days a week. It's a full time job.

Needless to say, I am not looking forward to the day when she figures out she can carry things when she walks. I believe that will be the impetus for her to start walking. For now she prefers to crawl because she knows she can do it quickly and get where she wants to go. But sooner than later she is going to discover the benefits of walking, which will quickly be followed by running. For this reason, I am not encouraging her to walk! That is, I don't take her hands and walk around with her. She walks herself enough with the help of furniture, moving chairs, baskets, boxes, large toys, etc.

It is late and I should crawl back into bed. We have our regular Friday afternoon coffee to attend tomorrow. A chance to get out of the house and talk with other adults about non-baby things like religion.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More Birthday

Toothy Smile

Just a quick note to say that as more birthday photos come in I'll be adding them to Flickr. This is my favourite so far.

Not much else of interest to report. Same ol'.

Monday, March 09, 2009

The Hip

The Tragically Hip are coming to Kitchener to start their new tour. They are playing three shows April 27-29. Concert tickets are more expensive now than I remember ever paying (although I never attended a "big name" concert like U2 or Paul McCartney. I know their concerts are expensive). Anyhow, $70 from the proprieter is nothing compared to the hundreds of dollars scalpers are selling them for on kijiji, e-bay and other "bestbuy" ticket sites. It is appalling to me that people are 1) able to do this and 2) other people are stupid enough to buy them. In short, if noone ever bought scalped tickets then there would be no profit in this practice and it would stop. And that would free up all the tickets to be sold to people at their original price. Right? Okay, maybe not that simple, but it would have an impact.
In the digital age of ticket-buying where I am confident the vast majority of tickets are paid for by credit card, it would be simple enough for ticket sellers to require a name to put on the ticket when it is purchased and proof of identity upon entering the concert.
If you are not 100% certain which of your friends will be attending with you, then order online to place your hold and pick up your tickets the day of the concert, show your ID, and get your tickets personalized. Simple. Seriously. Why haven't business people thought of or implemented this yet?
Oh well. $70 for tickets (plus taxes I'm sure) is a little out of our budget right now, so I'll have to try and win us some. We haven't been to a concert in many many many years.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Happy Birthday Abigail

I can't believe she's a year old already!

We had a wonderful celebration with many friends and a gaggle of kids running around. It was great.
Thank you to everyone who joined us in celebrating Abigail's first birthday.
And for those of you who were unable to attend, you were with us in spirit ;) We miss you.

Greeting Guests
Greeting Guests

Happy Birthday Cake
Birthday Cake (vegan, sugarless, wheat-free carrot cake. And she loves it.)


Exciting presents
A chair! The excitement on her face is actually for the box. She has no idea what is inside of it.

There are a few more pictures at Flickr, but more will be added over the week as friends send their pictures. Of course we were too busy to take many. Fortunately a friend used our camera for us.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Birthday Countdown

Only 5 more sleeps until Abigail is a year old. You can expect to see photos on Sunday.
In the meantime, here are the latest uploads since I know it's been a while.
First on the list: Abigail and Fenwick. You can see the love in Abi's eyes. I'm not sure how mutual it is on Fenwick's part, but as you can see, she does offer up her belly for Abigail's "petting".
Abigail and Fenwick
Abigail and Fenwick
Abigail and Fenwick

Next up, Robin posed Abigail with his first Slurpee of the year (we rarely buy them out here).

At long last I have managed to get a photo of Abigail standing. Usually when she spots the camera she's too interested in climbing up me (to reach the camera) to stand. Not yet walking alone, but she is getting there.
All By Myself

I hope that will keep our reader/viewer-ship satisfied until birthday pictures arrive ;)

In other news: we are waiting to hear about a fabulous job opportunity for Robin. Hopefully we'll hear good news today that I can share later.

Too Big for My Skin

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